Educational Resources: Substance Abuse and Addiction

Information and Resources

Research and Scholarly Articles

Presentations, Videos, & Teachings

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Authority (SAMHSA) offers information on prevention, treatment, co-occurring disorders, recovery support, etc.

National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Instute of Health: includes information on various drugs of abuse, data, latest science, news, etc.

Addictions on MentalHelp.Net: information and resources on Addictions: Alcohol and Substance Abuse.

Also see Substance Abuse Resource Page, MHAP

Chiauzzi, Emil et al (2005), My Student Body: A High-Risk Drinking Prevention Web Site for College Students, Journal of American College Health, Vol 53, No 6.

Hunter, Sarah B. et al. (2012), The Moderating Effect of Group Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Depression Among Substance Users, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, v. 26, no. 4, Dec. 21012, p. 906-916.

Hunter, Sarah B. et al. (2012), Treating Depression and Substance Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Vol. 43, no. 2, Sept. 2012, p. 137-151.

Sulzer, James et al (2013), Neurofeedback-mediated self-regulation of the dopaminergic midbrain, NeuroImage, Vol 83, pgs 817-825.

Woo, Stephanie et al. (2013) Training Addiction Counselors to Implement an Evidence-Based Intervention: Strategies for Increasing Organizational and Provider Acceptance, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, Vol 20 (2), May 2013, p. 232-244

Brief Intervention Helps Adolescents Curb Substance Use, Jan. 2, 2013, NIH

Introduction to BRIGHT: A Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression in Clients with Alcohol and Substance Use Problems (set of 5 DVDs) by Kimberly A. Hepner, Stephanie Woo, Kenneth R. Wingardt, Geoffrey M. Curran .  Cost for DVDs is $39.36.

Mechanism of Drug Addiction: an animation on the mechanisms of drug addiction.

.Addiction Video Channel on Mental Health Guru (16 videos)

Prescription Drug Video Channel on Health Guru (14 videos)

KAP E-Learing through SAMHSA offers Continuing Education online for Substance Abuse Treatment Professionals


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