Substance Use Disorders

Information & Educational Resources

Addictions on MentalHelp.Net: is a website that exists to promote mental health and wellnes education and advocacy and has information and resources on a variety of topics, including Addictions: Alcohol and Substance Abuse.

National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Instute of Health: includes information on various drugs of abuse, data, latest science, news, etc.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Authority (SAMHSA) offers information on prevention, treatment, co-occurring disorders, recovery support, etc.

Synthetic Drugs and their Harmful Effects, by Michelle Conway, July, 2014

See Substance Use in Education and Profesional Development, MHAP

Prevention and Early Intervention Programs

Alcohol eCheck Up To Go

Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS)

Challenging College Alcohol Abuse (CCAA)

College Drinker's Check Up (CDCU)

Kognito At-Risk for College Students

Marijuana eCheck Up To Go

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)

Say It Straight

Treatment Programs

A wide range of therapy approaches and treatment programs may be helpful, including:

Self-Help Resources


Videos on Beating Addiction: includes Top Tips for Giving Up Smoking, Alcohol, Gambling, Facebook Addiction, etc.

Alcohol Video Channel on Health Guru

Addiction Video Channel on Health Guru

Prescription Drug Video Channel on Health Guru

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