About Us

MHAP Purpose

MHAP was created to provide information & resources pertaining to the mental health of college students and young adults. In particular, the site focuses on mental health related:

  • issues and illnesses
  • prevention, treatment, & wellness programs
  • research and scholarly articles
  • best practices

The site was developed through the California State University (CSU) Office of the Chancellor with support from CalMHSA grant funding. Content and design were initially developed by Jennifer Sanford of Humboldt State University. While the site is geared for university personnel, including educators and mental health professionals, we also hope and anticipate that the site will be useful to the general community, including consumers of mental health services and all those who advocate, promote, and support mental health and well-being.

MHAP Mission

  • To provide information and resources which promote mental health and well-being in an accessible and easy-to-use format
  • To create an open resource repository of educational materials covering diverse aspects of mental health that will enable interested parties to stay abreast of new advances in the field and share information with one another
  • To provide resources that aid university counseling centers and other mental health agencies in developing and delivering quality preventative and treatment oriented care to consumers
  • To advocate a public health approach to mental health that promotes community-based prevention and peer-based help
  • To communicate CSU mental health related programs and best practices
  • To provide consumers a broad-based network of information pertaining to wellness and mental illness, including a variety of self-help tips, treatment modalities and resources

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact:

Araceli Esparza, Program Coordinator, Student Mental Health Program of The California State University. Please reference the MHAP website in your correspondence.


MERLOT (www.merlot.org) is an international community of faculty, staff, students, administrators, librarians, and others in education interested in discovering, using, and sharing Open Educational Resources (OER) for the improvement of technology-enhanced teaching and learning. MERLOT is a free resource, and is sustained through the support of higher education institutions from around the world, led by the California State University. The MERLOT community, which began in 1997, has developed a unique and globally-renowned collection of more than 91,000 online learning materials, all of which have been peer-or crowd-source reviewed by more than 165,000 members of the MERLOT community.

More than 25 editorial boards of discipline-specific subject matter experts develop and curate MERLOT's collection with quality assurance methods. Many higher education and K-12 institutions, non-profit associations, special interest groups, and corporations have adopted and integrated MERLOT services into their online education initiatives. The California State University's Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) initiative incorporates MERLOT services as one of its cornerstones.

On the MERLOT site, users can search the extensive repository of materials and find colleagues and experts in a wide range of disciplines.  As a member, create a profile in your native language, contribute online learning materials, or create MERLOT-hosted instructional websites with Content Builder.

MERLOT Content Builder is an easy-to-use, online tool for building OER (Open Educational Resources) websites that integrate text, images, video, documents, and links to other online resources. MERLOT Content Builder provides templates for creating:

  • ePortfolios for teaching and learning
  • Lesson plans
  • Online courses
  • Online presentations and posters
  • Course syllabi
  • Student reflection logs
  • Community websites

MERLOT provides social networking services to encourage collaboration and dialogue among community members. These services include:

  • Facebook and Twitter, enabling the community to engage in conversations about teaching with technology
  • MERLOT Voices for special interest communities that share MERLOT principles as a central theme, and that can be initiated by any MERLOT community member
  • Community contacts which include portals, discipline and partner community websites that use MERLOT services for teaching and learning
  • Discussion forums for all material in the collection
  • User comments and ratings for all materials
  • YouTube channel featuring MERLOT videos for promotional and instructional use
  • Searches over 60 other digital libraries of online learning materials as well as the WWW with its SmartSearch capabilities.

MERLOT's international and multicultural members can use MERLOT in any language of their choice.  You can:

  • Contribute or search for materials written in any language with a non-U.S. keyboard
  • Translate all MERLOT webpages into many languages
  • Add information about your language skills in your MERLOT Member Profile
  • Search MERLOT's directory for other members who share your language

For more information on MERLOT, contact the MERLOT Webmaster at webmaster@merlot.org. For information, comments, or suggestions about the MHAP website, please contact Araceli Esparza.

This Website was made possible through funding from:

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