Educational Resources: Suicide, Suicide Prevention, and Suicide Postvention

Information and Resources

Research and Scholarly Articles

Presentations, Videos, & Teachings

Understanding Suicide, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (Sections on Facts and Figures, Risk Factors and Warning Signs, Key Research Findings, Frequently Asked Questions, Reources, For the Media)

Preventing Suicide, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Coping with Suicide, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (Sections include: Where Do I Begin?, Find Support, Personal Stories, International Survivors of Suicide Day, Honor a Loved One, Educatino and Training, For Others Who Want to Help, For Support Group Facilitators, Frequently Asked Questions, Resources)

Suicide on MentalHelp.Net:information and resources on Suicide.

Also see Suicide Resource Page, MHAP

Leenaars, Antoon A. (2008), References, Psychotherapy with Suicidal People: A Person-Centered Approach

Overholser, James C. et al. (2011), Understanding Suicide Risk: Identification of High-Risk Groups During High-Risk Times, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 68, No. 3, p. 349-361

O’Connor, Rory C. et al. (2011), Chapter 29.  School-Based Strategies for Youth Suicide Prevention, International Handbook of Suicide Prevention: Research, Policy and Practice

Crepeau-Hobson, Franci (2013), An Exploratory Study of Suicide Risk Assessment Practices in the School Setting, Psychology in the Schools, Early View

Connect: Training Professionals & Communities in Suicide Prevention and Response (website)-- includes news, resources (including warning signs, risk and protective factors, article series), and national best practice training programs in prevention and postvention

Suicide Prevention Programs: Systematic Review Library, NREPP

National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention Includes several webcast presentations, as well as fact sheets and other resources.

National Institute of Mental Health Director talks with NIMH researcher Dr. Jane Pearson about high priority suicide prevention research

Overview of 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR ACTION

Suicide in America: Frequently Asked Questions by NIMH

Suicide in the U.S.: Statistics and Prevention Fact Sheet by NIMH

Suicide Postvention Guidelines (PDF)-- what to do in the aftermath of suicide in the schools.

Postvention: A Guide for Response to Suicide on College Campuses, by Higher Education Mental Health Alliance (Nov, 2014)

Open.Michigan Education (M2 Curriculum): Psychiatry Curriculum covering a range of topics: psychiatric classification, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality and personality disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, suicide, psychotropic medications, substance abuse, psychotherapy, mental status exam, etc.


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