Educational Resources: Schizophrenia and Psychosis

Information and Resources

Research and Scholarly Articles

Presentations, Videos, & Teachings

Schizophrenia, National Institute of Mental Health:
Information about Schizophrenia including causes, signs & symptoms, risk factors, and treatments.  Includes information about clinical trials and living with someone that has Schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia, Mayo Clinic: Definition, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Causes, Treatments, etc.

Schizophrenia on MentalHelp.Net: information and resources on a variety of topics, including Schizophrenia

Also see Schizophrenia Resource Page, MHAP

Marshall, Max and Rathbone, John (2011), Early Intervention for Psychosis, The Cochrane Library, June 15, 2011.

Bola, John et al. (2011), Antipsychotic Medication for Early Episode Schizophrenia, The Cochrane Library, June 15, 2011

Hirsch, Steven R. and Weinberger, Daniel R. (2007), Chapter 30.  Schizophrenia and Violence in Schizophrenia, Second Edition

Poster Abstracts, Early Intervention in Psychiatry, Speical Issue: 7th International Conference on Early Psychosis, Early Psychoses: A Lifetime Perspective, 29 Nov to 1 Dec 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. 4, No. s1, p. 38-187

Thomas Insel (Director of NIMH) on “Toward a new understanding of mental illness” (a TED talk) Encourages us to understand depression and schizophrenia as “brain disorders” and to move toward early detection.

Open.Michigan Education (M2 Curriculum): Psychiatry Curriculum covering a range of topics: psychiatric classification, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality and personality disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, suicide, psychotropic medications, substance abuse, psychotherapy, mental status exam, etc.

Eleanor Longden on The voices in my head (a TED talk): A college student discusses her struggle with schizphrenia and her fight back to mental health.

Experts in Emotion 17.3a: Ann Kring on Schizophrenia and Emotion, YaleCourses (17:19 in length)


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