Educational Resources: Neuroscience

Information and Resources

Research and Scholarly Articles

Presentations, Videos, & Teachings

Description of Neuroscience, Wikipedia

Neouroscience in Psychology Today: Includes Neuroscience Basics, Recent Posts on Neuroscience, Essential Reads

National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS)

Also see Neuroscience Resource Page, MHAP

Breines, Juliana et al (Mar 2014), Self-compassion as a predictor of interleukin-6 response to acute psychosical stress, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, Vol. 37, 109-114.

Yatham, Lakshmi N. and Maj, Mario (2010), Chapter 13.  Structural Brain Imaging in Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Aug 2010

Clement, Neville D. and Lovat, Terence (2012), Neuroscience and Education: Issues and Challenges for Curriculum, Curriculum Inquiry, Vol. 42, No. 4, p. 534-557

Brain Basics from the National Institute of Mental Health
Brain Basics provides information on how the brain works, how mental illnesses are disorders of the brain, and ongoing research that helps us better understand and treat disorders.  Includes a series of videos, a 10 page PDF, and a glossary of brain-related terms.

Neuroscience and Psychiatry Modules from the National Institute of Mental Health
A series of online teaching modules that aims to present stories of discovery in neuroscience that have relevance and applicability in clinical applications.  Module 1 focuses on “Translating Neural Circuits into Novel Therapeutics.”  Module 2 focuses on “Fear/Safety, Anxiety, and Anxiety Disorders.”

Brain Blogger is an award winning health and science blog that covers brain related topics. The blog reviews the most impactful news and research related to neuroscience/neurology, psychology/psychiatry, and health/healthcare.

Oliver Sacks on “What hallucination reveals about our minds” (a TED talk)

Behavioral Neurosicnce Labs, Lectures 1-9, Psychology 116, UCLA

Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation, a GoogleTechTalk on YouTube (49 minutes)


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