Educational Resources: Eating and Eating Disorders

Information and Resources

Research and Scholarly Articles

Presentations, Videos, & Teachings

Eating Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health:
Information about Eating Disorders, including causes, signs & symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatments.  Includes information about clinical trials.

National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA): learn, find help and support, get involved, blogs and stories of hope, etc.

Eating Disorders, Mayo Clinic: symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatmetns, etc.

Anorexia Nervosa, Mayo Clinic: symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatmetns, etc.

Binge Eating Disorder, Mayo Clinic: symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatmetns, etc.

Bulimia Nervosa, Mayo Clinic: symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatmetns, etc.

Eating Disorders, American Psychological Association

Also see Eating and Eating Disorder Resource Page, MHAP

Systematic Review Library of NREPP
Includes systematic reviews of research on Eating Disorders

Lask, Bryan and Frampton, Ian (2011), Chapter 2. Eating Disorders: An Overview, in Eating Disorders and the Brain

Fox, John R.E. and Power, Michael J. (2009), Eating Disorders and Multi-Level Models of Emotion: An Integrated Model, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Vol. 16, No. 4, p. 240-267, July/Aug 2009

Hay, Phillipa P.J. et al. (2009), Psychological Treatments for Bulimia Nervosa and Binging, The Cochrane Library

Berg, Kelly C. et al. (2012), Assessment and Diagnosis of Eating Disorders: A Guide for Professional Counselors, Journal of Counseling and Development, Vol. 90, No. 3, p. 262-269

Trepal, Heather C. et al. (2012), A Relational Cultural Approach to Working With Clients with Eating Disorders, Journal of Counseling and Development, Vol. 90, No. 3, p. 346-356

Eating Disorders: Systematic Review Library, NREPP

Perfect Illusions: Eating Disorders and the Family --A learning resrouce (website) from the Public Broadcasting System that includes different types of eating disorders, help and additional resources, and personal stories from those who have been affected.

Body Image, Nutrition, and Eating Disorders: Insights from Neuroscience and Psychiatry: presented by Sarah Leibowitz, PhD, Evelyn Attia, MD, The Rockefeller University

Eating Disorders from the Inside Out: Laura Hill at TEDxColumbus: published in 2012. Dr. Hill takes a look from the inside out from the "sound" to the biology of these diseases and how the future holds a different approach to manage the illness while bringing these patients hope.

Living On Air--BBC Documentary: covers anorexia and bulumia (47 minutes)

Webinars offered through National Eating Disorders Association

Eat Well, Be Well with Keri Adams Body/Mind Nourishing Coach (57 minutes)

Robyn O'Brien at TEDxAustin 2011. Robyn shares her personal story and how it inspired her current path as a "Real Food" evangelist (18 minutes)


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