
Information & Educational Resources

Stress on MentalHelp.Net: is a website that exists to promote mental health and wellnes education and advocacy and has information and resources on a variety of topics, including Stress and Stress Management.

Stress, American Psychological Association (various artilces, fact sheets, web pages and brochures)

Stress, Medline Plus: includes overview, news, symptoms, therapy, etc.

Also, see Stress in Education and Professional Development, MHAP

Prevention and Early Intervention Programs


Treatment Programs

A wide range of therapy and treatment programs may be helpful, such as:

Self-Help Resources

A Student's Guide to Balancing Stress, Best Colleges.Com

Stress Management Handout, Medline Plus

Stress Smarts Quiz, American Psychological Association (APA)

Stress Tip Sheet, APA

Stress Resources, APA (various fact sheets, articles, pamphlets, etc.)

Video on Stress by Dr. Esther Sternberg of the National Institute of Mental Health

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