Relationships: Attachment, Loss, Romantic Love


Relationship Problems on MentalHelp.Net: is a website that exists to promote mental health and wellnes education and advocacy and has information and resources on a variety of topics, including Relationship Problems.

Treatment Programs has information to help determine if you need counseling, how to choose a therapist, and a therapist directory.

The Gottman Institute: Science-based support for couples and the professionals who help them.

Education Resources

See Relationships in Education and Professional Development, MHAP

YouTube Videos on Attachment:

Application of Attachment Theory: Will You be there for Me When I Really Need You? by Annmarie Early, brought to you by the Genetic Alliance Webinar Series.

Love, Belief, and Neurobiology of Attachment by Dr. Paul Zak. a Loma Linda video, ResearchChannel-- includes discussion of God and religion and the role that neurobiology may play.

Mindsight, Mindfulness and the Journey from Me to We, Part 1, Daniel Siegel, Attachment Conference, Eastern Mennonite University, March 31-April 2, 2011.

Mindsight, Mindfulness and the Journey from Me to We, Part 2, Daniel Siegel, Attachment Conference, Eastern Mennonite University, March 31-April 2, 2011.

Phillip Shaver-Perspectives from Attachment Theory, Buddhism, and Neuroscience-- the role of psychological security in happiness and suffering

Popular Attachment Theory Videos: 64 videos in the playlist

Self-Help Resources

Anatomy of Love Website is a "learning website, designed to improve your understanding of romance, attachment and yourself. Know the anatomy of love and experience better loving through brain science." The site includes a nice section on how to deal with rejection and heartbreak and inlcues a number of videos including "Six Relationship Keys."

Gottman Institute Apps to help improve your relationship: apps such as "Give Appreciation," "Affection and Lovemaking," and "Expressing Needs" among others.

Relationship Help: Advice for Building Relationships that are Healthy, Happy, and Satifying at HelpGuide.Org

Relationships Help Guide from HelpGuide.Org-- in addition to the article above on Relationship Help, find advice on effective communication, conflict resolution, anger management, finding lasting love, how to make friends, attachment, etc.

7 Solutions That Can Save a Relationship, by Carol Sorgen, at WebMD

Welwood, John -- see the website for books such asJourney of the Heart: The Path of Conscious Love; Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships: Healing the Wound of the Heart; articles, workshop schedule, and ongoing trainings

YouTube Videos on Romantic Relationships and Break Ups:

Break-Up Do's and Don'ts by Dr. Greg-- how to break up successfully and how to survive a break up.

Dating Techniques-Science of Attraction by Scienceofattraction-- the video takes a look at some of the advice given in self-help books and courses claiming to have the solution to dating problems.

Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Love (Guest Lecture by Peter Salovey, Dean of Yale College), YaleCourses-- covers the different types of love and attraction, circumstances that predict attraction, and the situations where people mistakenly attributre arousal for love.

Four Relationship Mistakes Everyone Makes by Dr. Greg

The Halo Effect-Science of Attraction by Scienceofattraction-- video takes a look at the many things that influence first impressions.

Helen Fisher: Why we love, why we cheat by TED

How to Know When to Leave a Relationship by Margaret Paul

The Psychology of Love by Frank L. Conner, PhD, GRCCtv-- this is a college lecture with broad content about love and relationships.

Relationship Advice: The 5 Stages of Relationships by LoveAtFirstSight

Signs Your Marriage is Over: The 6 Stages of Marriage by Larry Bilotta-- geared to men; assumes a traditional heterosexual marriage wherein the wife becomes unhappy because the man isn't emotionally connected.

Your Brain in Love and Lust by Scientific American-- how the brain behaves during different phases of love.





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